8. Recommended Reading

8.1. Web sites

Listed below are the three "hoax debunking" web sites to which I have frequently referred in this essay, plus one other site which treats the subject in a similar manner to mine, demolishing each conspiracy argument in turn.

“Moon Base Clavius”, by Jay Windley: www.clavius.org

“Bad Astronomy”, by Phil Plait: http://www.badastronomy.com/index.html

“Moonshot – Debunking the Debunkers”,
by Jim McDade:

“Rocket and Space Technology: Did We Land on the Moon?” by Robert Braeunig: www.braeunig.us/space/hoax.htm

8.2. Books

Hundreds of books, and millions of words, have been written about the space programme in general, and about Apollo in particular. I particularly recommend the following books.

Manned Spaceflight Log, by Tim Furniss. Jane’s Publishing, 1986.
This book chronicles every manned spaceflight, both Russian and American, up to the time of the Challenger shuttle disaster. The edition I own dates from 1986; there have probably been later editions.

A Man On The Moon, by Andrew Chaikin. Penguin Books, 1994.
The comprehensive story of the Apollo missions, told from the astronauts’ viewpoint. This book was also the basis of the excellent HBO TV series, From the Earth to the Moon.

Failure Is Not An Option, by Gene Kranz. Berkley Publishing, 2001.
The story of the US space program, up to and including Apollo, from the viewpoint of Mission Control. The author was Lead Flight Director for both Apollo 11 and the crisis-stricken Apollo 13.

Two Sides Of The Moon, by David Scott and Alexei Leonov. Pocket Books, 2005.
The story of the Space Race, from both the US and Soviet viewpoints, told by two of the participants. Scott flew on Gemini 8 and Apollo 9, and walked on the Moon as Commander of Apollo 15. Leonov made the first spacewalk from Voskhod 2, and commanded the Soviet half of the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project. He was also chosen to command the first Soviet Moon landing mission, before the race was lost!

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